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Where do I begin to describe my magical but real weekend hosted by Send It: throwing myself into a carpool with complete strangers, missing a turn while mountain biking and being separated from the others, or the immortal friendships made because of cancer? Anywhere I suppose – I still have the adrenaline of the weekend pumping in my veins (a month after)!!

Being diagnosed at the age of 23 and undergoing treatment for a year, the energetic, out-going, enthusiastic ‘me’ was completely gone. I was absolutely sure she was gone. After spending a weekend with the Send It staff, participants, and the philanthropy Jamie left behind, I discovered a stepping-stone to finding the old ‘me’. The weekend was scheduled with new but flexible outdoor activities and plenty of down time, both being greatly therapeutic. Each activity brought a unity amongst us that I personally hadn’t found at home or at a hospital: encouragement from peers going through similar situations, trying something new while fighting cancer (the disease at the moment, or life after treatment). Being a germ-a-phobe for more than a year, I felt youthful again falling into dirt, and walking in lake water while taking in the fresh oxygen that even the hospital can’t provide. Hands down my favorite part of the weekend was the enchanting friends I made who enjoy being outside!

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Cancer is full of fear. It starts before diagnoses. Just the possibility of having cancer is scary. And once you are diagnosed with the disease, fear becomes a part of you. Fear inhabits your daily life. It ebbs and flows with treatment, what your read on the internet, how people around you act, what your doctors are telling you, and how you physically feel.

Fear comes from the unknown. Will I die? When will I die? How long do I have? Is this treatment working? Am I doing all that I can or should be doing to fight death?

Truth is, we can all ask those questions – with or without cancer – and no one knows the answers! No one on this earth knows what will happen tomorrow.

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